Our society today is knowledge-driven. To fit in, you must possess a ‘considerable amount’ of knowledge. You must understand that you determine this ‘considerable amount’. There are so many variables that can affect your ability of amassing information but always you are the constant. Variables will always change but constants remain the same. Therefore, every individual, to a very large extent, determines the amount of knowledge the possess. Also, the quality of the information you possess determines your placement in the society.                Nothing increases frustration like ignorance. Like the popular maxim, if you are not informed, you are deformed. Information keeps you from being deformed. Hence, we can say the information is the cure for deformation. A deformed individual is one whose mind has been maimed, disfigured, impaired, spoiled and marred. Such a person lacks the power to think creatively. In that situation, the person becomes powerless.                Knowledge, they say, is power. I would want to use this opportunity to argue against it. Being informed alone does not empower you. The effect of power is felt only when it is exerted. If the power is not exerted over something, it will never be appreciated. Likewise, until you put the knowledge you have to work, it is not considered as power.Knowledge not used is as good as nothing. For example, environmental authorities of a particular country detected a looming tornado and informed inhabitants of the would-be affected areas to relocate to a safer place. While many applied the information they received appropriately by leaving the areas but others hesitated. Few days later, the tornado came and swept through the designated areas and as expected, the people who stayed behind lost their lives and property. Although this scenario appears pathetic, it further validates the fact that having information without putting it into effective use is tantamount to futility. Thus, we can succinctly say that knowledge is potential power. It is its effective use that extracts the power inherent in it.                Our continent is blessed with informed and knowledgeable people yet we lag behind other continents in terms of development. The cause is not farfetched. Many of us are yet to unveil the elixir that is deposited in the information we possess. No thanks to procrastination. It is high time we started to put our knowledge into effective use. The earlier we start, the better for our continent. The longer the wait, the more deplorable it becomes. The information you possess, if channelled appropriately, can initiate that long-awaited change. Remember, an information that is not put into effective use is equivalent to naught. Together we can make Africa powerful by harnessing the power in the information we possess when we put it to work. It is POSSIBLE!
Americans built America;
Europeans built Europe;
Africans CAN and SHOULD build Africa.
It begins with YOU.
***Watch out for Part 3***
Written by Godspower Chidiuto Onwudiwe (@gonwudiwe),
Master’s Degree student,
Faculty of Humanities,
School of Education,
University of Cape Town,
South Africa.


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